Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A nomination!!

I've been nominated for a lemonade award!! I want to thank Andrea Creates for nominating me!! I feel very honored.

The rules are as follows:
1)Put the lemonade award logo on your blog or post.
2)Nominate 5-10 blogs that show great attitude and or gratitude.
3)List and link your nominees within your post.
4)Let them know they have received the award by leaving a comment on their blog.
5)Nominate your favorites and link to their post.
I decided I would nominate the following individuals:

Take a look at these individuals blogs and give them some love!!!


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much, I am so flattered.
I will post this on my blog right away.

I love your Jewelry by the way as well, they are so unique and gorgeous.
Hope to see more of you on my blog.

~ http://BJohnsonJewelry.etsy.com ~

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Thank you so much. :) First thing tomorrow (since I'm le tired) I'll get right on to posting my Lemonade Award blog. Be sure to check it out, you'll be sure to find your blog link in there. ;)

Take care!

Glenda said...

Thanks so much for the nomination and CONGRATS on your first sale!